Maximize Industrial Door Protection with Our Intelligent Sensor Technology

Commercial doors face a lot of use and abuse during daily operations. The most common cause of damage to industrial doors is the heavy physical impact from vehicles, forklifts and large objects.  Doors do not just come down by themselves. Most of these collisions are a result of human error, and with a MAXDoor that can be eliminated. Collision damage from hitting a door result in dents, bent frames, broken panels, damaged tracks or malfunctioning mechanisms.  Constant repairs to doors can be very costly with significant door downtime affecting the bottom line of your business.

At MAXDoor, how do we eliminate or minimize the human error factor?

We Put Intelligence at the Door Opening

MAXDoor puts intelligence at the door opening.  Here’s how:

  • Door opening intelligence is a combination of sensors and a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) Program. When you have reoccurring door damage, our PLC can eliminate the cause, and that will save you time and money.
  • Sensors and the PLC Program control a light communication system to let the driver know they are not centered in the door opening and indicate the side of the door that will be hit.  Before the damage occurs, the driver can stop and readjust his position.
  • MAXDoor can also install traffic lights and alarms to all but eliminate human error. We currently make a system that is an overlay that can be added to your existing door systems.
  • Caution – industrial doors that automatically time out and close do nothing to monitor the area, projecting out from the door, on both sides of the door opening to ensure it is safe to close or delay the closing until the area has been cleared. Again, a PLC Program and sensors will solve this problem.
  • In addition, reversing edge and photo eyes are added to provide additional protection for the Employees, Lift Trucks and Product going through the door opening. A photo eye detects the presence of an obstacle blocking the sensing beam and will trigger the door or gate operator to reverse or to stay open until the object is cleared from the path. A “reversing edge” for doors, also called a “sensing edge,” is a feature attached to the edge of a motorized door that detects obstructions when the door is closing, causing it to automatically stop and reverse its movement to prevent injuries or damage from an or person being trapped between the door; essentially, it acts as a touch-sensitive sensor that triggers the door to reverse direction upon contact with an obstacle.

Increased Protection and Security

MAXDoors with PLC programs and sensors increase protection and security. They have been installed on police sally ports and hospital ambulance bays. We have eliminated collisions on 45FT wide doors in steel mills and automotive manufacturing plants. The high cost of human error can be eliminated.

Add Intelligence and Safety to Your Facility

Contact us today or call (248) 915-5838 to learn more about how you can add intelligence, safety, and even cost savings to your industrial doors.