The Best Alternative to Old Rolling Steel Doors

It’s out with old rolling steel doors and in with new Vertical Lift Fabric Doors by MAXDoor!

Explore the advantages that MAXDoors provide over old, rusty rolling steel doors:

MAXDoor Advantages

  • No Springs or counterweights; Multiple lifting belts raise and lower the door. Motor with Gearbox hoist the door up and down.
  • Inexpensive to keep in operation and has a service life of 20-25 years.
  • Aluminum tube horizontal beams do not corrode and provide high wind resistance.
  • 4” or 6” deep fabric curtain panel is all one piece and extends over the door guides on the interior and exterior. Blowing wind increases the wind seal at the door guides. No openings allowing cold air or wind into building.
  • Side frame is furnished as a standard with each door package. This minimizes the load the building has to carry. The MAXDoor is sized to provide 100% clear door opening.
  • Easy to repair after a collision. Minimal repair cost and downtime.
  • Service Life is 20-25 years. Designed to operate 1 million cycles or more.

Rolling Steel Door Disadvantages

  • Counter-balanced with Springs that are guaranteed to break. Large doors require multiple springs.
  • Multiple wearable parts that require continuous service calls.
  • Slats start corroding day one and become hard to hinge each day after that.
  • Individual slats make the curtain which allow air leakage between the slats with no tight seal at the jambs.
  • No side frame. Door guides are installed at door jambs and are easily damaged by traffic going through the door opening. Door guides are typically in the door opening.
  • Expensive and time consuming to repair.
  • Short Service Life.  Door is designed for a predetermined number of cycles.

Contact Us for Help

If you are exploring the ideal door solution for your facility, then  it’s time to reach out and speak to the industrial door application experts at MAXDoor.  Contact us today!

MAXDoor is an American Owned Company sold and manufactured in Michigan.

Why Vertical Lift Fabric Doors are Superior to Rolling Steel Doors

Thinking about purchasing a rolling steel door?  THINK AGAIN!

Here are the many benefits of choosing a MAXDoor instead of a rolling steel door (RSD) for your facility, shop, or factory:

  1. MAXDoors have a service life of 20-25+ years and a million cycles vs RSDs rated in cycles as low as 10,000
  2. MAXDoors have a high wind resistance or Higher Wind Load Ratings
  3. MAXDoors tolerate caustic environments much better than RSDs
  4. MAXDoors operate in wet or dirty environments better than RSDs
  5. MAXDoors operate faster than RSDs
  6. MAXDoors tolerate a collision much better and are easy to repair
  7. MAXDoors are so much easier to service and less costly
  8. MAXDoors do not have springs that wear out
  9. MAXDoors have a much better Weather Seal
  10. MAXDoors have a higher R-Value and lower U-Value than RSDs
  11. MAXDoor is an American owned company located in Michigan
  12. MAXDoor components can be purchased locally
  13. MAXDoors are safer than a spring counter balanced door
  14. MAXDoors are shipped pre-assembled for easy installation
  15. MAXDoors are shipped with all hoods and covers
  16. MAXDoors for interior or exterior installations are manufactured the same
  17. MAXDoors with white curtains allow sunlight into the building when closed
  18. MAXDoors are used for separation within a facility for cold storage or clean rooms

Contact Us For Help

If you are ready to for a different, more efficient experience with your industrial doors, contact MAXDoor by calling 248-915-5838 or request a quote today.

MAXDoor vs The Other Industrial Doors



Knock-Out Fabric Doors (Breakaway)

Rubber Doors

High Speed Fabric Doors

Other Vertical Lift Doors

A major problem with these OTHER roll up, high speed, breakaway, fabric or rubber doors is that they have curtains with single layer fabric or rubber.  This particular attribute matters greatly because those types of doors should only be installed where there is zero to minimal exposure to wind or air pressure.

Gusts of Wind in To Your Building

In fact, door openings on exterior walls never have it so easy!  Because they are always exposed to high wind pressure the single layer of fabric or rubber curtain catches the wind like a sail on a sail boat.  The curtain then rises up off of the floor, or, blows out of the opening resulting in wind getting into the building.

The Solution…Get the Right Door

These fabric roll-up doors have to rely on some other type of device to keep the door curtain in the guides.  Door manufacturers will promote their gadget as a way to minimize this problem.  But in reality, the problem is they are promoting the wrong type of door. The types of doors we have mentioned only promote one feature and do not offer all of the features in one door like a MAXDoor.

Get It All with a MAXDoor

The MAXDoor dual layer vertical fabric door design is the only door that provides you with the following:

The Single Door Solution for All of Your Door Needs

The customer puts their trust in the Industrial Door Vendor because they rely on their expertise.  Your door Salesperson or Door Service company may not know of MAXDoor, so ask them or send them our way.  MAXDoor – the only door that can provide high speed, high wind, high cycle capability for any size door opening.

Vertical Lift Fabric Door Quote










Best Alternative To Rolling Steel Doors


Here is why a vertical lift fabric MAXDoor is the perfect replacement for your Rolling Steel doors.  Rolling Steel doors are typically the least expensive door you can buy and in the old days were used primarily as security on the front of stores and for fire protection at door openings on building fire walls. These doors typically were manually operated and installed at door openings that did not see very many cycles per day.

History of Rolling Steel Doors

Rolling Steel doors were normally installed at small and medium size door openings (less than 30-ft wide). As time went on, customers continued to ask for inexpensive door solutions for their door openings.  Funding for purchasing new doors is always tight and a “maintenance can fix it” attitude is very popular. Most companies do not compare the high cost of maintenance when purchasing a lesser product over time. And so Rolling Steel doors were provided for a variety of door openings they were never intended for, such as:

  • High speed or high cycle door openings.
  • Energy efficiency or to have minimal operating cost.

Rolling Steel doors became larger and faster even though the basic design of the door did not change.

You can now purchase very large Rolling Steel and Rubber Curtain doors, but they will never match the strength to resist the wind or collision impacts like a MAXDOOR.  The RS and Rubber curtain doors come with high maintenance costs.

10 Ways MAXDoor Can Rescue You from Rolling Steel Doors

  1. SIZE – MAXDoors can be manufactured for any size door opening (Even hangar door size).
  2. STRENGTH – MAXDoors  2-5  times stronger than Rolling Steel doors.
  3. SPEED – MAXDoors operate at high speed (Up to 60” per second).
  4. SAFETY – MAXDoors features a variety of features that are above door industry standards.
  5. CYCLES – MAXDoors are designed for high cycle applications. (Hundreds of cycles per day).
  6. WIND LOAD – Dual layer fabric door panel with internal traveling horizontal beams provide the highest wind load resistance.
  7. MAINTENANCE – MAXDoors simple easy to service design and high quality components, equals low maintenance costs.
  8. ENERGY – MAXDoor high operating speed and 4”, 6” or greater dual layer fabric door panel make the MAXDoor much more energy efficient.
  9. COLLISION – MAXDoor panel does not have any cables, components or devices that are trapped inside the door guides.  If a collision occurs the fabric door panel breaks free from the door guides and are easily put back into the door guides.
  10. Made in The USA – MAXDoor is owned and operated in Michigan, USA.

Contact us today and explore how a MAXDoor can provide all of these advantages and more to your facility.

Vertical Lift Fabric Door Quote





