If you are considering investing in a rolling steel door or a rubber door, consider these important facts regarding the benefits of investing in a vertical lift fabric MAXDoor. Get the most for your money!
Here’s The Facts on MAXDoor Vertical Lift Fabric Doors
Less Expensive and a Long Service Life
First of all, MAXDoors are designed and built to last 20-25 years even in toxic and corrosive environments. Standard features found on MAXDoors are seldom offered on other door types. MAXDoors operate like a roman shade and are simply hoisted up and down by a motor gearbox. Multiple lifting belts are used providing additional safety and a slim chance of a door drop. MAXDoors tolerate dirty, harsh environments and seal tight when closed.
Stronger Against the Wind
MAXDoors are extremely strong and utilize 4-8” wide aluminum rectangle horizontal beams spaced at 48” centers. There is incredible strength to resist positive or negative wind pressure and has the same structural load characteristics as a building wall. Even with a standard MAXDoor design, the doors are 2-3 times stronger than other door types.
Easier to Service with Huge Savings on Door Repairs and Door Downtime
Accidents happen but MAXDoor believes that all door collisions can be eliminated through proper door control. Eliminating the possibility of human error is only possible through an engineered door control system. A long list of customers’ door problems went away when proper controls were installed. Companies have spent so much money on servicing doors and this is basically eliminated when MAXDoors are installed Maxdoor customizes the door to fit the specific application. When high-quality material and components are fabricated and assembled by highly skilled craftsmen, you get a great reliable product.
MADE In the USA – MAXDoor customizes the door to fit the specific application. When high-quality material and components are fabricated and assembled by highly skilled craftsmen, you get a great reliable product.
Contact Us for Help
If you have an industrial door application and need help from industry experts to find the right size and fit, contact us today or call (248) 915-5838.